That's my boy! He is a sweetie - I'm glad I'm feeling better again so I can enjoy him. Check out his drool - poor dude - I must have been too tired that day to find a bib or change his shirt. |
When my friend gave me that "Keep Calm and Carry On" mug she said she saw it and thought of me............I still don't know what that meant. I need lots of coffee? I need to calm down? or I am calm? I was too scared to ask. If she saw inside my brain I'm pretty sure it would be Number 2.
And if I drank caffeine (which I don't) I could have used that big mug full of caffeine laden coffee to get me through most of this week. I was feeling pretty crap. I got the dizzies last weekend and figured out by Tuesday my iron had bottomed out. This coincided with said sweetie regressing back to regular 1 1/2 to 2 hour wakings so I was TIRED. I don't like dizzy/tired me - I'm not a great mom or wife and I don't really enjoy my own company so much.
Luckily, the iron pills kicked in and I started to feel more normal by the weekend. Today I even felt energetic enough for a full high intensity workout which didn't kill me and I actually had fun with the kids. I am hungry as heck, my stomach is not 100% (the iron pills) and my sweet tooth is a little out of control right now but I still managed to keep it clean for the most part. I ate more dark chocolate and fruit than I'm supposed to but considering how I was feeling I am pretty proud I stayed on track. It definitely gets harder to not indulge in processed foods when you get tired. I did pick up a little Caesar's pizza for the kids one night and the in-laws ordered Chinese food but I didn't indulge in the "dirty" stuff.
I also finished my stomach acid test today and as predicted I had no reaction (not good). More on that another time but basically my stomach is probably not acidic enough and not absorbing very well. That's why I get B12 injections instead of taking pills. So the adrenal fatigue mystery continues........
Here are some of the clean meals I managed to squeak out in my iron depleted haze........hope it inspires you to keep it clean even when you aren't feeling 100%! And don't beat yourself up if you get off-track - I'm setting the re-set button on the sweet tooth tomorrow. It happens.
Spring mix with I have no idea what. That must have been Monday or Tuesday - I felt like crap - I can't even identify what that is - maybe ham and cheese? |
In a desperate attempt to appease my sweet tooth I whipped up this low-sugar chocolate peanut butter brownie experiment - Looks good? Nope - so dry I think I almost choked on one piece. But we still ate it - it was edible with jam and a hot drink to wash it down. I would take another go at this recipe as it had potential but I think I lost my notes. Darn. |
Leftover chicken taco meat and avocado topping on spring mix. With 4 rice and brown rice gluten free crackers. I usually try to stay away from this stuff but a taco salad needs a taco. It just does. |
Another salad with strawberries and strawberry dressing and egg I think. The thing with homemade dressings is that it has a shorter shelf life so I had to eat a lot of strawberry salad dressing this week. |
Zucchini noodles. Yum. This was so good. Kids were having brown rice noodles with meatballs and I needed something low-carb so I whipped this up. Maybe I'll post the recipe one of these days. |
Zucchini noodles with spaghetti sauce and meatballs. What a great substitute for noodles. I love it. But I could use a mandolin or a snazzy vegetable peeler thingy..............that's a lot of chopping. |
Roasted Beets, sweet potatoes and turkey meatloaf. Recipe for meatloaf coming soon. |
Hot chia and hemp porridge. I was eating lots of this high fiber concoction to try and combat the stomach disruption from the iron pills. |
I made homemade chocolates (dark) - look how nice they are. I am PUMPED about this. But the recipe needs some tweaking before I share. I used too much coconut oil so they melt immediately when you take them out of the fridge. You gotta eat these FAST - not a problem for me luckily. |
I had a bit of leftover chocolate from the chocolate experiment so dipped some strawberries in it. A little weird to have peanut butter on strawberries but this sweet tooth doesn't shun anything with chocolate on it so I ate it up anyway. |
Another Frittata - this one with bacon, broccoli and black olives. These are so easy to make, high in protein and even kid friendly (5 year old anyway). Definitely one to keep in the rotation and a good weeknight meal if you get stuck this week.
Have a good Spring Break week! I'm so glad I was feeling better before have my 5 year old home for 10 days - its better for all of us!
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