So if you just come here for recipes - see my mama's recipe page or come back tomorrow - we had an awesome Low-carb Shepherds Pie for supper I will be sharing. Or if you want to hear me rant/journal about my health then feel free to stay....
So I don't have the flu. If you haven't been following my blog, since going
clean, my energy levels had been amazing for someone with a poorly
sleeping baby. But I started to get some symptoms of adrenal fatigue popping
back up - mainly anxiety and night sweats. And my energy levels started
dropping slowly over the past month. I've been taking herbal adrenal
support which helped significantly with the anxiety but even a B12 shot and
literally eating pounds of Chia seeds wasn't helping my energy. And this
past weekend I started feeling dizzy (all day) and really tired. Oh boy -
I've felt like this before. What a piss off - I am being such
a good girl - eating clean, exercising, detoxing - why oh why am I still
being punished. Well I got my blood work back today and I have seriously
low iron and B12 levels. So I've got some highly absorb able iron to add to
my supplement list (which is getting way longer than I like) and will be
going for weekly B12 shots until my levels get better. If you think you have absorption problems like me, pay attention to whether any supplements you are given will help (can you absorb them?) or whether you might need an injection.
So pretty treatable problems but still no answers on what the cause is. I'm thinking either breastfeeding/sleep deprivation is sucking the life out of me or food sensitivities/poor absorption/low stomach acid isn't allowing me to absorb
all the clean goodness I'm eating. Or maybe some combination of all of them is
doing it. So I'm going to go ahead and spend the $300 to get my food panel
redone to figure out if I've still got major food sensitivities and where
my candida levels are at. And I'm also going to do a stomach acid test.
Good news was that my liver, thyroid, blood sugar and kidneys were happy.
The high protein diet is agreeing with my kidneys which was a concern I
had (and something you should be mindful of if you go on a high protein diet). Doesn't hurt to have a doctor checking on these things when you change your diet - especially one that's pretty far from the recommended Canada Food Guide.
Why am I telling you all this. Because I've been through this before and
let myself suffer for over a year with these symptoms before I went to a
naturopath. And I don't want other people to suffer when they don't have to
or think they are going crazy. Last time this happened, I spent a good part
of a year thinking I was a bad mom, dying of some disease and/or going
crazy. You have to advocate for your own health - push your doctor for
tests/diagnosis if they aren't sure what is causing your symptoms or look to alternative forms of medicine. But either way you have to take an active role in managing your health - do your research, push for answers, look outside the box. Its not okay to feel tired all the time, you probably aren't crazy, and pills and anti-depressants are not always the cure. Surprisingly, all sorts of problems start with poor digestion but lots of people and doctors don't consider looking there first.
I have digestive problems that have wreaked havoc on my whole system and
give me some weird symptoms that seem totally unrelated to digestion - like
dizziness and anxiety. And I truly believe that for
me, putting more toxins (prescription drugs) into my system is not the
answer. Not for this anyway.
So on Tuesdays I said I would do a post about non-food related toxins - my side project to clean eating. And this is a little off topic but what the hell - maybe it will help someone out there who is feeling lousy and doesn't know where to start looking for answers. Or maybe I am a little crazy some days.............