
Sunday, February 3, 2013

The Week in Review

I only post some of the meals we eat or parts of the meals we eat. But we eat lots of other great wheat-free, low to no sugar, unprocessed meals so I thought I would show you a couple of the meals you "missed" that were really good. Might give you some ideas on things you might want to try. If there is something you are really interested in getting the recipe for leave me a comment and I will try to do it in the next couple of weeks. 

Sometimes we just need some inspiration to try something new. For me the key is to keep things interesting and tasty so I don't start craving all my old go-to's. And of course to make them fairly simple as I don't have much time to spare most days. Today was one of those days - only got about 3 hours of sleep between baby and my 5 year old being sick. Just moved baby into his own room this week (kinda, sorta) so I think he sensed someone was taking his spot (sick 5 year old). I was sandwiched between the two of them for most the night- seriously you can't sleep like that. Not even with a new Costco pillow. 

 Anyway, I would love to have some official followers so I know there are people interested in what I'm cooking. You just have to put your email address in on the right hand side of the blog (under the picture of me and the recipes and ideas tab) and I believe you will get alerts when I post a new entry..............Hope you had a good week!

Raw zucchini salad - adapted from a recipe in the Everyday Paleo Family Cookbook - available at Costco!

I served this with Paleo Almond Breaded Sole - Its a simple salad you can make in a flash and is so tasty. Its one of hubby's new favorites.
Pizza made using the Pizza Crust #1 from the Wheat Belly Cookbook - also available at Costco. I topped with some leftover sausage, mushrooms and cheese. OMG - I really enjoyed this meal. I'm actually already craving it again.

This pizza was super filling. Being used to eating several pieces of "Wheat" pizza you have to slow down and pay attention to when you are getting full or you can overeat. Almond flour in the crust will do that.

One of the snacks for the girls - Banana's topped with high protein Greek yogurt (just switched them over to Greek), some dried cranberries and a sprinkle of sprinkles. They loved it!

Fish taco (from Costco Sole). I wasn't entirely happy with the Chipolte sauce so I'm going to try again with an avocado sauce before I share the recipe. Plus frankly I'm kinda like the kids - I like my fish breaded so it kinda tastes like chicken fingers! But hubby quite liked it.
The fish taco's were made with a coconut flour tortilla, Mama's special fish marinade, cabbage, red onion, Jicama and topped with Chipolte dressing.
This is a Jicama - I got mine at SuperStore. Tried them for the first time when I first went "clean". They are crunchy, a bit sweet and good with dip or on a salad. Hubby and I both really like it. Gotta keep trying those new veggies to keep things interesting.

1 comment:

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